alan venitosh - guitar, vocals
Alan Venitosh is an electrifying musician and producer. By day he works as the Director of Operations at the internationally known microphone manufacturer TELEFUNKEN Elektroakustik and by evening he plays guitar and bass locally in a number of groups. Spending time as a touring musician in his late teens and early 20s, Alan experienced both sides of the glass in the recording studio environment, acting as both performing musician and audio engineer. Since 1996, Alan has performed over 1500 “gigs” and currently cites Dr. Goldteeth, Luke Skywalker and Bo Jackson as his biggest musical influences. When not performing music Alan can be found flying kites.

lee sylvestre - guitar, vocals
For over ten years as a utility guitar player and vocalist on the CT music scene, Lee's had a chance to explore the nooks and crannies of the soulful sounds that drew him to make music in the first place. Mark Knopfler, Van Morrison, Otis Redding, Paul Simon are among his influences. Now, as part of the Auburn Mode, he's making music he loves with some of his favorite people. You'll be able to spot him on stage by his infectious smile.

bryan kelly - drums, percussion
Bryan Kelly provides drums, percussion, hand claps, and occasional yelling from the back. Playing drums since the age of five, he has practiced every day of his life for each MODE performance. He is overjoyed at the fact that he gets to play music with his wife, and see their daughter in the front row of every show dancing to the fresh, lively tunes of the Auburn Mode. A person of considerable note once said, "Bryan's style of playing is reminiscent of Bobby Colomby of Blood, Sweat, and Tears." That's cool!

chip fenney - saxophone, vocals, bass
Chip's been playing music, playing with power tools, and playing with rocks since as long as he can remember. So far, so good. A 20yr veteran of the New England music scene, Chip's been active in a wide variety of musical projects such as original rock bands, music theater, hip-hop, Americana, big band jazz, studio recordings, loading trucks, hanging drop ceilings, painting hous ...(oh, whoops – wrong job…) teaching private lessons, and playing a couple 2/tree square dances. His duties in the Auburn Mode consist of playing some sax, playing some bass, singing some words, turning some knobs, hanging out with good friends, and trying not to laugh too hard during gigs due to either the amount of fun being had, or the faces that Anna makes.

Jeff Belcher is a bass player & singer/songwriter from Manchester, CT. When he's not writing, recording and performing with some of the areas finest musicians, he's designing album covers and promotional materials for many area bands, and carpooling with Lee Sylvestre. Jeff has written and recorded two solo albums and has a third on the way. Click here and give his songs a listen!
Jeff belcher - bass, vocals